Place Your Bet on Carondelet! Haiti Silent Auction

By Ochsner Medical Student Association (other events)

Saturday, October 21 2017 6:00 PM 9:00 PM CDT

We are very pleased to announce that the Ochsner Medical Student Association is hosting its 3rd annual Haiti Silent Auction to support a medical trip to Haiti that is taken by its medical students each year. This October 21, 2017, we look forward to sharing an evening full of celebrations, including auction festivities, light food & drink, and musical entertainment provided by Ochsner students & physicians.  While the evening is sure to be amazing, the best part by far is that that all proceeds go towards the medical supplies, pharmaceuticals, food, water, and shelter that benefit the community of Mayaya, La Victoire, Haiti.

This has been a labor of love among Ochsner students, faculty, and the general New Orleans community.  Our locale for the event is the fabulous private home of Will and Dodd in the Delachaise neighborhood. This amazing space was recently featured in New Orleans magazine, and can be checked out at this link: In addition, all food, drink, and auction items have been donated! So you can eat, drink and be merry with your colleagues and friends, resting assured that it will all go toward a great cause.  Also, prepare to have your ears dazzled by the musical delights of Ochsner students and physicians.

We hope you can join us for delightful festivities and good company as we support this unique international UQ-Ochsner experience!

Below is a description of Ochsner’s Haitian clinic, written by its founder and Ochsner physician, Dr. Yvens Laborde:

Centre De Sante FONDYLSAHH

Mayaya, La Victiore

The clinic is located in Mayaya, La Victoire, an extremely impoverished remote rural area high in the hills of Northern Haiti where access to basic health care is often out of the reach of many of its inhabitants. The clinic provides access to primary care services essentially free of charge with a focus on respecting the dignity and honor of the patients that we serve. The clinic is the site where the UQ students in the Medicine in Society rotation have the opportunity experience health care delivery in a underdeveloped country. The major challenge faced by the clinic is lack of funding and resources to keep the clinic open and functioning throughout the year.

Ochsner Medical Student Association