By Ochsner Medical Student Association (other events)

Saturday, September 30 2017 7:00 PM 11:00 PM CDT

Yes, you're herring me correctly. Fall Ball, the most highly anticipated event this side of the Mississippi River, will be held September 30th (second Saturday of rotation 5) from 7-11 pm at the Audubon Aquarium. For 3rd years unaware of what Fall Ball is, it's basically a less expensive, much more entertaining version of UQ's May Ball. We will have reception-style catering (various New Orleans-inspired dishes along with some tasty dessert) and an open bar serving unlimited reef-freshments.

So dust off your dancing fins and prepare for a night full of dancing, great food, and enough drinks to drown a whale. It's gonna be a tuna fun!

Please remember that Uber is the safest and cheapest option for getting you to and from the event. "’Please, please do not drink and drive. Because you may hit a bump and spill your drink.’ -Michael Scott" - Jeffrey Coote

Ochsner Medical Student Association